April 14: Leg & Hip Flexibility is achievable and important if you goal is to achieve new poses. This 90 min workshop is designed to increase flexibility and range of motion. Experience dynamic stretches to increase mobility, yin-style holds to open up the body, and intuitive movements to increase body awareness.
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About Asana Progressions: Strengthen. Balance. Develop Your Practice. This series builds on concepts that will develop your practice to intermediate and advanced poses. The class is is structured for warm-up and mindfulness with power yoga leading into strengthening, alignment, and techniques to develop into more advanced poses. To enable focus toward students and 1:1 assistance, one or two themes will be identified in each class with depth that each yogi can take with them for practice after class. Asana Progressions will be in a heated room and encouraged for anyone who is looking to develop their practice! The class is for yogi's with a moderate level of experience looking to grow toward intermediate and advanced postures.
** Session 1 Completed ** FEBRUARY 17: Backbending
** Session 2 Completed ** MARCH 10: Headstands
APRIL 14: Leg & Hip Flexibility
MAY 5: Arm Balancing
(Schedule is second Sunday of every month; see MINDBODY scheduling for sign-up or final changes)