Join us at the ballpark for community yoga. Once again, we fill centerfield with Yogi’s teachers from Hartford Sweat and Yoga From the Heart will guide this all-levels class through a vinyasa flow that will stretch and invigorate you and leave you wanting more at the end. Accommodations at the Yard Goats indoor (huge) batting practice area in the unlikely event that the weather or field condition is poor, but game is still scheduled.
**Online sales closed, released back to general public**
Purchase In-Studio (860-461-0910):
Hartford Sweat
On-line sales closed, printed tickets sold out at Yoga From the Heart and YG Box Office
Yard Goats Standing Room Only (SRO) tickets will be available through Sunday morning
Ticket includes Yoga Class + Yard Goats Game
A portion of each ticket sold will benefit Connecticut Children’s right here in Hartford!
Game time 1:05 pm | Yoga class 11:00 am
No registration required, purchase your yoga & game tickets at either studio (Hartford Sweat or Yoga from the Heart), or at the Yard Goats box office until they are sold out. Bring your mat, we’ll have a few extras for new people.
Dunkin’ Donuts Park. Hartford, Connecticut